Tag: possibility

Do not use roles in your API, use this instead

Why should you ever use built-in role-based authorization in your API? [HttpGet("get_something")] [Authorize(Role = "admin, admins_cat")] [Authorize(Role = "hacker")] public Task<IActionResult> GetSomething() Okay, it looks nice and works well, but in t...


When I was nineteen I boarded a plane for Los Angeles without a plan. I didn’t know where I was going to live, or work, and I didn’t know anyone in LA. Determined to be an actress in films, naive to all that could go wrong, I climbed into a cab at LAX and told the driver to take me to th...

America’s Varied Voices Open Students’ Minds to Queer Possibility

It was fifth grade, a time when minds are awakening to so many hormonal and non-hormonal urges. I remember arguing with a friend, Mark, about whether Russia and the Soviet Union were the same entity. That was pretty heady of us. I remember my friend Randy quarterbacking our class to a win over...

Possibility Without Conclusion

When my husband and I moved here, we wound up on a chestnut orchard that had fallen into neglect. We’d spent about two seconds thinking about chestnuts prior to this landing. That first fall, the nuts fell, and we collected as many as we could, and it got its hooks in us. So we decided to try ...