
<p>When I was nineteen I boarded a plane for Los Angeles without a plan. I didn&rsquo;t know where I was going to live, or work, and I didn&rsquo;t know anyone in LA. Determined to be an actress in films, naive to all that could go wrong, I climbed into a cab at LAX and told the driver to take me to the beach.</p> <p><strong>I believed in myself.</strong></p> <p>When I&rsquo;m uncertain, and frightened of the future, I think of that nineteen-year-old with a dream. I call upon her courage. She leaped. She landed not where she thought she&rsquo;d be, but where she was meant to be. That life never would&rsquo;ve happened if she hadn&rsquo;t gotten on that plane.</p> <p>What I know now is that believing in yourself is a life skill. When you believe you can, you will. Who knows where it will lead and that&rsquo;s part of the adventure.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@kristarausin/when-i-was-nineteen-i-boarded-a-plane-for-los-angeles-without-a-plan-a648efcdd562">Read More</a></p>