Tag: Populations

I Know Why Rural Populations Are Vulnerable To The Lies Of Tyrants

Igrew up in an unincorporated town in Northern Wisconsin. My school district served many small communities within a large geographical area. Every morning we took a 45 minute bus ride to a metropolis of 2,000 people. It was the nearest town with facilities that came the closest to meeting ...

I Know Why Rural Populations Are Vulnerable To The Lies Of Tyrants

Igrew up in an unincorporated town in Northern Wisconsin. My school district served many small communities within a large geographical area. Every morning we took a 45 minute bus ride to a metropolis of 2,000 people. It was the nearest town with facilities that came the closest to meeting ...

Women Should Enslave the Male Population

I’m pretty damn fed up with the way our country is being run. The entire world, for that matter. It’s time to think outside the box. We’ve had a good run, as men here on Planet Earth. Wait, have we, though? Actually, it’s been pretty suspect throughout history. Hitler w...