Women Should Enslave the Male Population

<p>I&rsquo;m pretty damn fed up with the way our country is being run. The entire world, for that matter. It&rsquo;s time to think outside the box. We&rsquo;ve had a good run, as men here on Planet Earth.</p> <p><em>Wait, have we, though? Actually, it&rsquo;s been pretty suspect throughout history.</em></p> <p>Hitler was a man. Saddam Hussien, a man. Even Donald Trump considers himself a man, though he is a conformed draft dodger and a convicted rapist, among many other disgusting things. I&rsquo;m so over that dumb-shit and hearing his name constantly.</p> <p>Under the leadership of men and the patriarchy throughout history, we&rsquo;ve experienced far too much misery, murder, rape, and greed. Men have kept women subservient to themselves, using holy books like the Bible, the Quran, and others to justify sexism and misogynistic tendencies.</p> <p>If I were a woman, I&rsquo;d be fucking pissed right about now. And not willing to take it anymore. A plan would be conceived, implemented, and put into motion. It would take creativity, organization, secrecy, and teamwork. I think women could do a stellar job of this.</p> <p>And men would fall for it, hook, line, and sinker. For we are simple creatures. It wouldn&rsquo;t be inconceivable to think that women could get away with such a plan. There&rsquo;s one reason that I think this has a legitimate shot of working:</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/bouncin-and-behavin-blogs/women-should-enslave-the-male-population-7fbddbfb329c"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>