Tag: Population

I Have Some Advice For the Incel Population

One thing I keep hearing more and more lately that I was unfamiliar with until recently is the term “Incel”. I first heard it when my kids laughing about it, as it related to some funny joke they were cracking up about. Upon further review, I found out what the term “Incel&rdquo...

World Population is About to Peak

Annual global population growth has slowed and begun to decline. Given the best current projections, the “exponential growth” feared forty years ago has crossed the kink, making it an “S-curve” stabilizing in the middle of this century and beginning a slow decline. On the glo...

The One Minute Geographer: New Jersey’s Population Density

One hundred percent of New Jersey’s population is metropolitan. As you can see on the map below, every county in the state is in a Census-defined metropolitan area. (I say Census as shorthand because metropolitan areas and other such divisions are defined by the Office of Management and Budget...

If you woke up to find 99.99% of the population disappeared overnight, what would you do?

Well, given that 99.99% of 8 billion is 7,999,200,000, that would mean 800,000 people were left on Earth. The majority of those would be in Asia (60% of that number, so apprx. 480 thousand) then Africa (17% or apprx. 136 thousand). In the USA, there would only be apprx. 33 thousand people left. I...

The One Minute Geographer: Canada’s Population Distribution

In the last post we suggested that Canada might be thought of as a ‘shoestring country.’ Let’s look at a few basics about Canada’s population. Canada has 38.2 million people, almost the same as California, the most populous state in the US (with 39.5 million.) A European c...

Dubai’s population growth outstripping property supply by far

Dubai’s residential property market supply has been lagging behind population growth with the affordable segment also witnessing shortage after luxury in certain areas of the emirate. Industry executives say that supply will not be able to keep pace with the demand even in 2024 due to the h...

The Epidemic That Killed One-Third of England’s Population

Inthe year 1347, the worst epidemic in recorded history raged over Europe. Picture a pandemic murdering 60 percent of Europe’s population. The bubonic plague, also known as Black Death, killed an estimated 155 to 200 million people. Twelve ships landed in England’s Sicilian port in Oc...

Will the World’s Population Rise Forever?

Overpopulation has been a doomsday topic for centuries. The topic overlaps with food production, resource availability, and more recently environmental sustainability. The anxiety of overpopulation is that numbers would escalate out of control, bringing with it a dystopian meltdown. The rapid explos...