Tag: Plastics

In 2014, the Plastic’s Share of Global Oil Production Was 6%. In 2050, it Will Be 20%.

On November 17, 1909, the Belgium-born Dr. Leo H. Baekeland explained Bakelite at the Franklin Institute (Baekeland, 1910). PlasticsEurope, the Association of Plastics Manufacturers, describes Bakelite as the first real synthetic and mass-produced plastic (PlasticsEurope, 2020). However, plastic is ...

Chicken and Plastics

Have you ever thought about what we humans would leave behind as a mark of our existence? What would the future anthropologist, paleontologists or geologists find left of us in 40 million years? This is of course assuming the planet remains the same and doesn’t become a burning fireball ...

What does the Global Plastics Treaty mean for the fashion industry?

Regardless of how convenient it is to keep using plastics, we need to give them up or face a planet that remains polluted and becomes even worse for generations to come. This is precisely why the United Nations has put in motion a Global Plastics Treaty, which will legally bind its member states ...