In 2014, the Plastic’s Share of Global Oil Production Was 6%. In 2050, it Will Be 20%.

<p>On November 17, 1909, the Belgium-born Dr. Leo H. Baekeland explained Bakelite at the Franklin Institute (Baekeland, 1910). PlasticsEurope, the Association of Plastics Manufacturers, describes Bakelite as the first real synthetic and mass-produced plastic (PlasticsEurope, 2020). However, plastic is a form of fossil fuel since natural resources like gas and crude oil are its core ingredients (Joyce, 2019).</p> <p>In 2014, the plastic&rsquo;s share of global oil consumption was six percent. In 2050, it will be twenty percent, and the weight of plastic in the oceans will be larger than that of all fish living in them (World Economic Forum, 2016). On July 29, 2019, humankind used more natural resources than the Earth can regenerate in one year (Pytel, 2019). Humans need 1.75 Earths to amass the ecological resources to meet their current needs (Global Footprint Network, 2020). Every single actor in the plastic value chain who introduces a new piece of plastic or virgin plastic contributes to depleting natural resources.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Plastics share