Tag: Plants

The Plants of Taipei

Here’s the view of our patio. On the left is July 2020, the right is from last week. Our building was built in an older neighborhood, and was completed in 2019, so it stands out quite a bit. Even so, it’s quickly acquiring the dirty omnipresent earth tone on the walls, as you can see her...

Sick plants, your drone doctor will see you now

Spotting crops or woodland that are suffering from damage or disease from ground level is notoriously difficult because there’s just so much stuff in the way — after all, there’s whole idiom dedicated to extolling the difficulties of seeing the wood for the trees. It makes sense th...

GN/ Nearly dead plants brought back to life: Keys to aging hidden in the leaves

Genetic technology is defined as the term which includes a range of activities concerned with the understanding of gene expression, advantages of natural genetic variation, modifying genes and transferring genes to new hosts. Genes are found in all living organisms and are transferred from one ...

How Working With Plants Cured My Anxiety

When the pandemic forced the world into lockdown, I sat plucking weeds from the garden beds, as content as the birds in the trees. I watched the nightly news with a level of detachment, seeing the world spiral into chaos as I stared out the window to a calm green pasture. I slept through the night w...

How Many Cannabis Plants Can You Fit in a 4x4 Grow Tent?

When someone asks a question like how many cannabis plants can I fit under the LED grow light in a 4x4 grow tent? Everyone expects a simple and straightforward answer. Some say 4 to 6 plants, and some say less than 6. Well, grow tent space doesn’t work like that. The question...

When We Changed Our Plants, Our Plants Changed Us

Did you know that carrots are orange because in the 1500s, the Dutch cultivated them to honor William of the House of Orange, a sort of founding father of the Netherlands? Wild carrots naturally grew in several colors — even purple — but we all think of the classic orange carrot becau...