When We Changed Our Plants, Our Plants Changed Us

<p>Did you know that carrots are orange because in the 1500s, the Dutch cultivated them to honor William of the House of Orange, a sort of founding father of the Netherlands?</p> <p>Wild carrots naturally grew in several colors &mdash; even purple &mdash; but we all think of the classic orange carrot because of the Dutch. The color orange is to the Dutch what the combination of red, white and blue is to Americans. Because I&rsquo;m married to a&nbsp;<em>Nederlander</em>, I found this story charming.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/rooted-publication/when-we-changed-our-plants-our-plants-changed-us-58744870ec30"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Plants Changed