Tag: Pill

If The Rich Get The Live-Forever Pill

The drug “Immortacin” (pronounced Immortacin) hit the market, and once more, the world became interesting to God. Science had done it: A regimen of fifty “Morties” a day meant no more aging. No more death. For Jimmy. Jimmy only. For only Jimmy could afford Immor...

One Pill Makes You Do What?

Louis Carrol was cynical, snarky and scary. Don’t believe me? Read Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. He was…well, a satire professional, certainly. I get it, you know. The lessons are not lost on me. But Alice always made me want to put her in a cor...

British Women’s Right to Over The Counter Pill: Is This a Win?

Beginning in 2024, British women will be able to access birth control pills over the counter without a prescription, it was announced by the government on the 16th of November 2023. Going forward, “the pill” can be obtained at a local chemist or pharmacy, known as ‘over the co...

The Age-Reversal Pill

In recent years, the landscape of aging research has witnessed a monumental breakthrough with the discovery of chemical means to reverse aging and restore cellular function. A pioneering study led by researchers at Harvard Medical School, notably Dr. David A. Sinclair, has unveiled a potential ga...

That One Day the ER Thought I Was Pill Shopping

I’m usually level-headed, calm to a fault. This is especially true in times of crisis that may include pain or injury, making my high pain threshold appear as though I’m fine. Totally fine, folks, nothing to see here! I rode horses for fifteen years and once my blind-in-one-eye Tho...

Opioids — #1 Pill Creating Hopelessness

Painkillers have got to be MY #1 hopeless pill to discuss, and there are millions of them. If I could jump through your screen and jack your opioids, I wouldn’t because that would be stealing! I would though if I could solve your addiction, and I’d throw them right in the toilet! Painkil...

Weight Loss Drugs Are Not the Magic Pill

Weight loss and healthier lifestyles again take center stage for most people’s 2024 New Year resolutions. According to a recent Forbes Health/OnePoll survey, thirty-four percent of respondents said that they wanted to lose weight; additionally thirty-two percent said improved diet. In 202...