Tag: Pile

‘We’ve Never Met Him and Don’t Know Him Personally,’ Say Trump Children As Father’s Felonies Pile Up

“I’ve heard of him, but don’t know him personally,” said Ivanka Trump this week when asked about her father’s multiple indictments and probable imprisonment. “I wish I could tell you more, but I’ve never met the man.” The denial by the president&rsq...

What’s Not to Love in a Pile of Dishes?

The short answer? Not much, but let’s dive in as to why that may not necessarily be the case. First, some context. It’s almost midnight here on the east coast and my teenage girls were making holiday cookies earlier this evening while Alexa was belting Christmas carols. It was indeed a f...

They Call That a “Pile of Rocks?”

I realize that I can seem rude to “city-goers.” Then again, before portable internet devices and satellites in space, we all communicated with stacks of three rocks, a cairn. (Sounds British) The stack doesn’t say, “water located nearby.” But yes,...