What’s Not to Love in a Pile of Dishes?

<p>The short answer? Not much, but let&rsquo;s dive in as to why that may not necessarily be the case. First, some context. It&rsquo;s almost midnight here on the east coast and my teenage girls were making holiday cookies earlier this evening while Alexa was belting Christmas carols. It was indeed a festive scene and mood as I periodically passed through the kitchen, checking on progress, but more importantly, wondering when the final product might be ready for consumption!</p> <p>Festive feelings aside, competing priorities such as finalizing a work presentation and taking the dog out for a walk demanded my attention. With those tasks completed and the calming quiet replacing the earlier clinging of pots and pans, I ascended to the main level to find a literal mountain of dishes in the sink! I looked around like Vince Vaughn in one of his &ldquo;brat pack&rdquo; movies as if I were being punked! &ldquo;Is this for real?&rdquo; I thought as my expectation was to find cooking utensils stowed away and a nice container of cookies on the counter awaiting my, uh hum, sampling. However, the proverbial curve ball had been thrown as I gazed upon the Mt. McKinley of dishes.</p> <p><a href="https://christopherurban.medium.com/whats-not-to-love-in-a-pile-of-dishes-4d53bef0f570"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Pile Dishes