Tag: physical

Sure, we CAN have AI prevent physical scars…but should we really?

We each hold remarkable power in our choices. We don’t need legislation to shape AI. With thoughtful discourse and belief and awareness in our agency, we can determine how AI shapes our society. (Historically, with consumerism, capitalism, and democracy, we haven’t done a great...

Unique and Interesting Physical Activities That Trigger Positive Chemical Changes in Your Brain

God has designed the human brain in a mysterious way. It is highly flexible; a person who knows how to manipulate his brain can achieve many things. This article aims to explore some scientific, unique, and pleasurable exercises. The exercises are designed to engage those parts of your brain that...

Temporary Malfunktion x Raw — physical to digital

Technology is ever advancing, each day we get closer to; exploring the vastness of the universe, becoming more immersed in the metaverse, diving into the depths of the oceans to find new creatures never before seen in the light. What, if not to answer the unanswered, explore the unexplored is tec...

My Physical Trauma Disabled Me

Having a traumatic physical health event can have a deep impact on someone’s mental, emotional, and psychological health. For many, these traumatic health events create long-term and even life-long effects that leave people disabled or in debilitating chronic pain. Trauma is defined as...

Breasts: The Physical Realities of Owning Them

One of the most momentous changes for me was the development of my breasts. They didn’t just perk up, they grew with gusto. My endocrinologist even noted them after my first year on hormones and she said, “Obviously, your body has been waiting for the right hormones for your entire life....

Top 5 Zodiac Signs That Crave Physical Touch In Relationships

In the realm of relationships, each zodiac sign exhibits unique traits and preferences. While some individuals prioritize verbal affirmations or acts of service, others find solace and meaning in physical touch. For those seeking to unravel the zodiac’s influence on physical intimacy, AstroPus...

MENTAL and EMOTIONAL Body — Physical Plane

Above is a brief of the overall system of our subtle bodies and its planes. In this article, I would like to share specifically regarding the mental and emotional body as I find many of us struggles in our daily life because we have none or limited understanding of these two bodies, which is very cr...

Aligning the Physical, Mental & Emotional Bodies: How Energy Flows

Alignment is about making life easier for yourself. When you lengthen your spine and relax your shoulders, you can breathe more deeply. When you breathe more deeply, your parasympathetic nervous system activates and your mind can calm down. When your mind calms down, you waste less energy w...

Physical Internet: The Future of Logistics?

In my case, being born in the year 2000, the internet seems like a given to me. Something that has always existed, almost like magic. In 2006, I got my first computer, and from that moment on, I knew that with a simple command in the browser, I could access millions of web pages. However, it wasn&rs...

Our Universe wasn’t empty, even before the Big Bang

When it comes to the physical Universe, the notion of “nothing” may truly be possible only in theory, not in practice. As we see the Universe today, it appears full of stuff: matter, radiation, antimatter, neutrinos, and even dark matter and dark energy, despite the fact that we don&rsqu...

Yes, You Can Change the Story of Your Emotional State and Physical Weight

In early 2022, Jelena Katić Ujević — Head Coach at the MAP Coaching Institute (MCI), was at her heaviest at 100 kg. Everything seemed to be perfect on the outside. She was enjoying her work with the MCI, and she had just gotten married to the most wonderful person in the world. But she felt ...

Physical Answer to “What is Time?”

Time slows down near massive objects like the Earth, the closer to the Earth, the slower is time (actually/literally/measured: a second on the Earth is about a nanosecond longer than a second far away from the Earth). Thus, for each atom of the air or of our body, time is slower from the side, which...

Amidst Tears, The Painful Realities of Physical Labor and Sexual Services

Due to the sensitivity and complexity of the topics of physical labor and sexual services, writing a comparative article on these subjects can pose many ethical and legal challenges. However, I am aware that in my own country, these terms are used in this way. Additionally, the legal status and...

All You Need to Know About Sex on Shrooms

If you’ve experienced psilocybin before, you know how intense and euphoric the experience can be. You may be wondering what it would be like to have sex on shrooms. Having sex on shrooms can be a wonderfully intense experience. Still, just like any other time you consume mushrooms, you...

The 10 Physical Features That Make A Woman Beautiful

Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, but certain universal features make a woman beautiful to most people. The average person can find those features in just two seconds. Whether you’re an actress, model, or an everyday woman looking to improve your overall appearance and self-confidenc...