Tag: Philip

Meeting Prince Philip

Only last night, just before the news of his death emerged this morning, I told some students the story of my meeting with Prince Philip. I have a picture of him somewhere, taken a few minutes before my moment of royal greeting. It was a distant shot, taken with a cheap Vivitar on 35mm film; I&rsquo...

Meeting Prince Philip

Only last night, just before the news of his death emerged this morning, I told some students the story of my meeting with Prince Philip. I have a picture of him somewhere, taken a few minutes before my moment of royal greeting. It was a distant shot, taken with a cheap Vivitar on 35mm film; I&rsquo...

COP28 climate change summit saw landmark declaration that should dramatically affect what we eat — Philip Lymbery

I remember it like yesterday. Thirty years ago, and my first trek up the Cairngorms. My best pal and I were keen to get our first glimpse of some of Scotland’s finest mountain wildlife. Not long before, my friend had spent six months in bed with a back injury. Our plan was to take the ski l...