Meeting Prince Philip

<p>Only last night, just before the news of his death emerged this morning, I told some students the story of my meeting with Prince Philip. I have a picture of him somewhere, taken a few minutes before my moment of royal greeting. It was a distant shot, taken with a cheap Vivitar on 35mm film; I&rsquo;m not sure you could even tell it was he without my repeated assurances. But the memory is sharp and vivid, and I revisited it again upon reading of his death this morning.</p> <p>In my memory, Prince Philip was wearing University of Edinburgh academic robes, but that memory is indistinct. Certainly he was there in his capacity as Chancellor of the University, a ceremonial function he fulfilled from 1953&ndash;2010 (in addition to being Duke of Edinburgh).&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Prince Philip