Tag: Perspectives

Modern Perspectives at SAAM

“We the People” of the DC area are digesting what looks like a looming government shutdown. Within this political disarray, I find myself escaping to art, and thus rushing to the recently opened modern galleries at the SAAM / the Smithsonian American Art Museum to take in its new endeavo...

Modern Perspectives at SAAM

“We the People” of the DC area are digesting what looks like a looming government shutdown. Within this political disarray, I find myself escaping to art, and thus rushing to the recently opened modern galleries at the SAAM / the Smithsonian American Art Museum to take in its new endeavo...

Ethic-AI Perspectives: Your Weekly Roundup of Ethical Developments in AI — 21/09/2023

We return this week to illuminate the ever-evolving frontier between AI and ethics. By condensing complex debates into digestible insights, this series aims to broaden perspectives and spur introspection. Today we’ll traverse topics from medicine to jobs, gaming to democracy. My hope is that t...

Buenos Aires: a first-time traveler’s perspectives and tips

Argentina, from the latin argentum, meaning silver, is well known for being the land of gauchos and tango, and home to Pope Francis and the even more beloved, Lionel Messi. I had the pleasure of traveling to Buenos Aires the last week of December, 2022, and spent considerable time researching t...

Altered perspectives

It’s Thursday morning, and I’m just getting off a call with my teammates in Indonesia. I jot down some final thoughts from the meeting, then glance at the clock as I hear the call to prayer rising over the city around me, a euphonious reminder that it’s midday. I close my laptop, g...

How a two hour conversation with a homeless guy changed my perspective

It’s already approaching mid December so I thought that nothing major would happen in my life before the new year. I was on my way home from Waterfront when I got a message from my friend saying there’s someone I should talk to. “Meet outside Vancouver city centre, you’ll ...

3 key perspectives when designing for accessibility

It is encouraging to see that accessibility — the practice of making information available and usable for people with a wide range of functional abilities — is gradually moving to the forefront for businesses in the technology sector. Many tech professionals are also seeking training in ...

The Economics of Immigration: Canadian Immigration from an Historical Perspective

This issue of my blog was co-written by Michaelle Tuz-Atkinson, my wife and partner in our joint Substack newsletter titled Ride On: The Drive for Better Transportation Systems. She has undergraduate degrees in Sociology/Anthropology and Psychology, as well as a Master’s degree in Health ...

Islam’s Perspective on Astral Projection

In my and most people understanding that astral projection is an intentional experience in which a person has the feeling that their astral body (spiritual being) is temporarily separated from their physical body. I’ve recently been researching astral projection and out-of-body experiences ...

Properties of matter | physical and chemical perspectives

The amount of matter in an object. Mass, a cornerstone concept that serves as a fundamental property that defines the quantity of matter in an object. Delving into the essence of mass unveils its pivotal role in shaping the behavior of objects in the physical world. At its core, mass represents the...

Cosmic Perspective With Mark

Astrophotography, Supernova Detection & Social Media Branding Few people can turn their hobby into a tool for public benefit. Mark has done just that by broadcasting his love for Astronomy through public education events. My conversation with Mark covers how he does impactful science commu...

Cultural Perspectives Of Love

Love has had a presence in this world since humans basically evolved. But over time, this universally experienced human drive has changed. Not only has it changed, but it has also been interpreted and expressed differently in different cultures. There are seven universal emotions, anger, contempt, d...

ENGLISH VINGLISH (Review from a Sociological perspective)

Along with the issues mentioned above, it also sheds light on something prevailing in almost every Indian household about how family can sometimes pick on our weaknesses the most and make us feel unsafe in our supposed safest place. It was released in October 2012 and the protagonist of the movie &l...

Should Teenagers be Treated as Adults? — A Sociological Perspective

An adult’s relationship with a teenager is an extremely complicated dynamic, especially when they are a young achiever. The term young achiever is a way of highlighting children who accomplish great feats and successes, at a young age. Should adults treat teenagers as equals — concerning...

Third-Person AR: Shifting Perspectives in Augmented Reality

As we step into the realm of augmented reality (AR), there’s a burgeoning technology that’s reshaping our digital interactions: Third-Person Perspective (TPP) AR. Unlike the AR experiences we’ve grown accustomed to — think Snapchat filters or the front-facing Pokémon G...

Beyond the Mirror: Psychological Perspectives on Body Image

Body image is a multifaceted psychological experience that involves the perception of one’s physical appearance, the thoughts and feelings that result from that perception, and the behaviors one engages in as a result of those thoughts and feelings. This complex construct is influenced by a my...

“Be Thou My Vision”: three linguistic perspectives of a hymn.

The word vision is a noun that has two meanings: it can be a thing seen and it can also be the sense or faculty by which a thing is seen. It is a thing we see and it is the way we see a thing. The opening line of the hymn becomes more complex when both definitions of vision ...