Altered perspectives

<p>It&rsquo;s Thursday morning, and I&rsquo;m just getting off a call with my teammates in Indonesia. I jot down some final thoughts from the meeting, then glance at the clock as I hear the call to prayer rising over the city around me, a euphonious reminder that it&rsquo;s midday. I close my laptop, grab my book, and head to my favorite kebab store around the corner. I sit in the sun as the owner brings me black tea in a tulip-shaped glass &mdash; &ldquo;from the house,&rdquo; she always says. I open my book. Mopeds and urbanites glide up and down the steep street around me, and when my kebab arrives at my table, I find myself attended by three or four friendly, but insistent, cats. After giving away half my meal to these new friends, I close my book, pay, and walk back to my apartment, ready to put in a few more hours of work. Later tonight, I&rsquo;ll walk to Kadık&ouml;y to get my fill of baklava for the week. I&rsquo;ll take a few moments to look out over the sunny Bosporus at the many minarets stretching up to the sun. I&rsquo;ll go home, maybe do some yoga to account for my rigid daytime chair, then head to bed, ready to wake up at 6:30 the next morning, when my team standup will begin just as the morning call to prayer echoes and fades.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>