Tag: Percent

SwiftUI: Format Percent the Easy Way

In the example below, we set a State variable for holding the amount that we want to display, and use the format option to convert it to a percentage. One important thing to note, is that using the built in formatter (like in the example below) will automatically change the format as needed for a...

#21 — One Percent Of Nothing

One percent of nothing is nothing, one percent of everything is a lot. Too much. We need to talk about the price of inequality. The Museum of Communism in Prague is opposite one of the biggest shopping malls in the city. Beside the museum is a supermarket, full of chocolate, wine, beer and swe...

Review of “Ninety-Nine Percent?

In their recent paper "Ninety-Nine Percent? Re-Examining the Consensus on the Anthropogenic Contribution to Climate Change", David Dentelski and colleagues provide a thoughtful critique of prior research claiming an overwhelming scientific consensus on human-caused climate change. The a...

Mine is Ten Percent Bigger

Just because you are bold enough to ask me a question, do you think I’m going to drop everything and answer it no matter how personal it is? Is that what you really want me to do? Well, my favorite body part is only about 10% larger than a woman’s. It’s really embarras...