Tag: Peaceful

How Peaceful Moments Can Rewire Your Brain

In the chaotic whirlwind of modern life, tranquillity often feels like a shy unicorn that perpetually eludes our grasp. But, what if I told you there’s a science-backed way to invite this elusive creature into your life? It’s a simple yet powerful technique I discovered that radically tr...

Why Am I on the Road? My Journey to Peaceful Happines

For the past five years, I have been walking the world. Everything I own fits in a carry-on backpack. My only shelter is a bivy sack and a poncho tarp. I own only one set of clothes. My phone has no Internet or service. I had never been happier.   By Matheus Bertelli on Pe...

A Peaceful Conversation with a Buddhist about Christianity

Hello, my friend! Today, we’ll look at Christianity from the perspective of Buddhism, and there’ll be some context. The point is I had many disagreements with different Christians in my conversations at the moment. I also didn’t understand why some people were born into poor famili...

Cantonese/Mandarin false dichotomy: peaceful integration and harmonious co-existence

In recent years, there has been much heated debate about the intrusion of Mandarin in Hong Kong and neighboring Canton regions, which has allegedly resulted in the marginalization or even endangerment of local Cantonese dialects. This was seen in the 2010 protest in Guangzhou and more rece...