Why Am I on the Road? My Journey to Peaceful Happines

<p>For the past five years, I have been walking the world.</p> <p>Everything I own fits in a carry-on backpack. My only shelter is a bivy sack and a poncho tarp. I own only one set of clothes. My phone has no Internet or service.</p> <p>I had never been happier.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>By&nbsp;<a href="https://www.pexels.com/@bertellifotografia/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Matheus Bertelli</a>&nbsp;on Pexels</p> <h2>Stillness in walking</h2> <p>I do not travel to see places. Buying a good VR set would have been easier for that. I travel to develop good virtues in myself.</p> <p>Virtues are good patterns in your mind. That is, mind habits that lead to happiness and wisdom instead of suffering and delusion. For example,&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/@fenixandreu/boredom-reveals-why-you-never-feel-peaceful-heres-how-9ca1dc34ca48" rel="noopener">distraction</a>&nbsp;is the opposite of this. Instead of focusing on the problems and exploring yourself, you sweep things under the carpet.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I mostly travel alone and always stay in new places. I never become too comfortable where I am staying. There is no other option but to be present with the patterns of my mind and remain later with the results. This observation leads to incredible results.</p> <p><a href="https://fenixandreu.medium.com/why-am-i-on-the-road-my-journey-to-peaceful-happiness-e0bf01198169">Website</a></p>