Tag: Paths

Stop Using Python Strings To Represent File Paths!

We probably learn to deal with files and file paths pretty early on in our Python journey. We might use a string folder/subfolder/subsubfolder to represent a certain filepath. I still use normal Python strings to build these filepaths until recently. But, working with large enterprise P...

Mapping the Flood Paths of Istanbul

Could understanding how water moves across the city’s topography to prevent future flooding? Istanbul is most-famously known for its location on the Bosphorus, the grand water way that runs through the city, cutting the city founded on grand topography in half. As much of an attraction for ...

Spiritual Paths: Exploring the Inner Journey

In this guide, we will delve into the depths of spirituality, exploring different paths that take us on an enriching inner journey. We will discover the connections between spirituality and alternative medicine, as well as learn practices that promote well-being and the search for enlightenment. Get...

Career paths for ageing Software Developers

Jason Gorman wrote a great blog post that was inspired by Kent Beck’s post about ageism in software development. I would like to expand on their thoughts and add my own perspective. When software developers reach a certain age, usually somewhere between 40 and 50, their ...

Many Paths Of Healing

“There are so many different ways that we can heal,” Clinical Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapist®, Empowerment Coach, and Reiki Master Christina L. Woods said on the most recent episode of my podcast Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Heal...

Down the Dangerous Path of Degrowth

In May 2023, the European Parliament hosted its “Beyond Growth” conference, inspired by the concepts of “degrowth” and “post-growth.” The basic idea is that the world faces an extensive ecological crisis. To solve this, advanced economies, like the USA and Europe,...

5 Playful Paths to improve Brain Health and reduce stress: Insights from Neuroscience

Drawing from the seminal “enriched environment” studies by Davidson and colleagues, which built upon D.O. Hebb’s observations of enhanced problem-solving in rats living in complex environments, Davidson and McEwen highlight how physical spaces filled with toys and opportunities for...

Meandering Paths Lead To Success

Youtube offered me up the suggestion of David Epstein’s TEDx talk this morning, and how apt it was. I am a career changer, and I, like many others like me that I’ve met, have this notion in our heads that we’re somehow behind because we came into our careers later. When I...