Tag: passing

Stop passing variables Helm the wrong way

In modern software development, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CICD) pipelines are essential. They allow for the automatic and consistent deployment of applications. The helm-set plugin is a valuable tool in this context, allowing you to pass (dynamic/secret) environment variables...

It’s Good to Be the King . . . of California: Thoughts on Dianne Feinstein’s Passing

If you’ve followed the coverage of California senator Dianne Feinstein in the aftermath of her passing last week, then you’re likely well aware of her historical significance in Golden State politics: multiple glass ceilings shattered during a career in public service that span...

Passing Through the Eye of a Needle

There is a saying in the Bible that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. In my Catholic elementary school days, we were taught this meant, in essence, that if you are rich you can’t get into Heaven. It wealth-sha...

You’re Probably Not Actually White-Passing

When I was no more than eleven years old, my older sister declared to me that she wouldn’t correct people who assumed she was a monoracial Native American. She told me “nobody wants to be Black.” My sister, four years my senior, is lighter than me with “passable” featur...

Yes, Melungeons Are Mixed Race — Even the White-Passing Ones

Mixed race people make up approximately seven percent of the American population — and The Pew Research Center expects that number to swell to around 20% over the next three decades. If you add the number of Americans who are raised not knowing that they are mixed race, the percentage is possi...

Racial ‘passing’ is still a reality. Here’s why I embraced my complex identity

The origins of passing stretch back to our country’s founding. For some Black people, crossing the color line meant a chance to improve their social status, economic opportunity, and marital prospects. Some scholars claim passing is no longer a phenomenon because of greater...

You Have a 50/50 Chance of Passing a Cancer Gene to Your Child. What Would You Do?

If I have a daughter,” she says, “I will probably think about it every day of her life.” Michelle, a 32-year-old public health practitioner in Illinois, only learned she was BRCA-positive last year. The news upended her life plans to eventually have more children once she and he...