Tag: Particle

Have You Undergone Knee Replacement Surgery? Beware of Particle Disease

The average age of a patient who gets knee replacement surgery in the United States is around 65 years old. That puts most boomers right in the crosshairs of this surgery. Approximately 790,000 total knee replacements are performed in the U.S. each year. At 71, I’ve enjo...

The surprising origins of wave-particle duality

One of the most powerful, yet counterintuitive, ideas in all of physics is wave-particle duality. It states that whenever a quantum propagates through space freely, without being observed-and-measured, it exhibits wave-like behavior, doing things like diffracting and interfering not only with other ...

By Design: Unlocking the Mysterious World of Quarks in Particle Physics

Quarks are elementary, subatomic particles that form the framework for our understanding of the fundamental constituents and forces of the Standard Model of particle physics. In 1964, physicists Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig were working independently on a theory for strong interact...

Attoseconds aren’t fast enough for particle physics

One of the biggest news stories of 2023 in the world of physics was the Nobel Prize in Physics, awarded to a trio of physicists who helped develop methods for probing physics on tiny timescales: attosecond-level timescales. There are processes in this Universe that happen incredibly quickl...