Tag: Package

Smart Delivery Solutions: The Most Innovative Tech in 2023 Package Delivery

In recent years, all sorts of robotic applications have been introduced to automate supply chain processes. The Internet is full of warehouse workers working side by side with robots of all sizes. Robots are a great solution for performing repetitive tasks that require strict motion patterns. Last m...

Home Package Delivery and Carbon Impact — Is It as Bad as It Seems?

The primary criticisms of online shopping come in two areas. First, it is shopping, and therefore an integral part of consumer culture. Online shopping just makes consumption that much easier and so continues to reinforce the very culture that created our carbon problem in the first place. To a larg...

How To Perform Structural Equation Modeling In R With the Lavaan Package

Structural Equation Modeling is a statistical analysis technique that describes the relationship between latent and observed variables. It’s a type of multivariate statistical technique that extends multiple linear regression analysis and factor analysis. It is used to test the complex rela...