Home Package Delivery and Carbon Impact — Is It as Bad as It Seems?

<p>The primary criticisms of online shopping come in two areas. First, it is shopping, and therefore an integral part of consumer culture. Online shopping just makes consumption that much easier and so continues to reinforce the very culture that created our carbon problem in the first place. To a large extent, this is true. Amazon is an alternative to Walmart, but both are cathedrals to consumerism. One has warehouses and trucks, the other has trucks and stores. These two companies are emblematic of the bigger cultural picture. Online versus brick and mortar. And yet, they are getting closer and closer to each other. Walmart is also a huge online shopping site, and Amazon has many stores, especially Whole Foods. The categories aren&rsquo;t as clear as we might think, even though the two still stand as symbols of their dominant methods of business. Both are integral to the consumer culture in the US and elsewhere.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/predict/home-package-delivery-and-carbon-impact-is-it-as-bad-as-it-seems-a9e8ac6875ab"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>