Tag: Optimizing

Uplift Modeling — A Data Scientist’s Guide to Optimizing a Credit Card Renewal Campaign

As a budding Data Scientist, my academic background taught me to honor accuracy as a sign of a successful project. The industry, on the other hand, cares about making and saving money in the short and long term. This article is a lesson on ROI — Return On Investment — the holy grail...

Optimizing Weapon Pickup Inheritance Using Structs

I was brought onto a project with Zygobot Studios recently, and I want to share some optimization techniques that I implemented into the project, so I’m starting a new series with this article. Let’s take a look at how I optimized the weapon pick up system in the game. Or...

Optimizing AWS Batch Workloads: Concurrent Batch Jobs Execution using Lambda, S3, and ECR

Situation: While working on building Machine Learning models for 70 different countries (with one model dedicated to each country), we encountered the requirement to execute a specific set of post-processing tasks for each of these countries. To streamline this process and enable the concurrent trig...

Optimizing AWS Costs: Your Handbook to Financial Efficiency — Part 2

Hello, dear readers! Welcome back to our journey of optimizing AWS costs. In Part 1, we laid the foundation by exploring various essential strategies for cost optimization in the AWS cloud. Now, in Part 2, we’re ready to take a deeper dive into a treasure trove of cost optimization techni...

Optimizing Performance with Delta Tables: A Guide to Merge and Copy Into Commands

Delta Lake is a powerful storage layer that enables scalable, reliable, and performant data pipelines on top of Apache Spark. In the previous article, we discussed INSERT OVERWRITE vs INSERT INTO for Efficient Table Insertion One of the key features of Delta Lake is the ability to perform atom...

Optimizing Databricks SQL: Achieving Blazing-Fast Query Speeds at Scale

In this data age, delivering a seamless user experience is paramount. While there are numerous ways to measure this experience, one metric stands tall when evaluating the responsiveness of applications and databases: the P99 latency. Especially vital for SQL queries, this seemingly esoteric number i...

On-Demand Trucking: The Power of SaaS in Optimizing Logistics

In this digital era, the on-demand economy has transformed various industries, and logistics is no exception. On-demand trucking, facilitated by SaaS, has emerged as a game-changer in the transportation and logistics sector. It offers a flexible and efficient way of matching shippers and carriers, e...

Biohacking for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide to Optimizing Health and Performance

In the era of constant technological advancements and a growing emphasis on personal wellness, the concept of biohacking has emerged as a fascinating and transformative approach to optimizing human health and performance. Biohacking goes beyond traditional health practices, delving into the realms o...

Optimizing XGBoost: A Guide to Hyperparameter Tuning

Hyperparameter tuning is important because the performance of a machine learning model is heavily influenced by the choice of hyperparameters. Choosing the right set of hyperparameters can lead to better model performance, while choosing the wrong set can lead to poor performance. Additionally, when...