Uplift Modeling — A Data Scientist’s Guide to Optimizing a Credit Card Renewal Campaign

<p>As a budding Data Scientist, my academic background taught me to honor accuracy as a sign of a successful project. The industry, on the other hand, cares about making and saving money in the short and long term.&nbsp;<strong>This article is a lesson on ROI &mdash; Return On Investment &mdash; the holy grail of business actions.</strong></p> <p>A large portion of promotional campaigns target segments of customers rather than the individual directly. Examples of these are Paid Search, Display Ads, Paid Social and so on. Direct-To-Consumer(D2C) campaigns, on the other hand, are aimed directly at individual customers. These are Direct Mail, Email, SMS or even push notifications. Businesses in the banking and fintech space are capable of running massive D2C campaigns because everyone has the app. But nowadays, these businesses are looking to be efficient in their promotional spends (how?).</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/towards-data-science/uplift-modeling-a-data-scientists-guide-to-optimizing-a-credit-card-renewal-campaign-9f02f863067a"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Optimizing