Tag: Oldest

104-Year-Old Aims to Become Oldest Skydiver

“Age is just a number,” stated Dorothy Hoffner amid a cheering crowd as she touched ground Sunday at the Skydive Chicago Airport in Ottawa. The 104-year-old resident of Chicago is aiming to be certified as the oldest person to ever skydive after she made a tandem jump and landed 13,50...

Inside the Front Door of New York City’s Oldest Homes

All New Yorkers recognize the name Stuyvesant. The oldest building in Greenwich Village and Manhattan to be used continuously as a single-family residence was built in 1795 by Peter Stuyvesant’s great-great-grandson Nicholas William Stuyvesant at 44 Stuyvesant Street. Peter was a 17th-century ...

Yafo — One of the Oldest Ports in the World

It is a fact that it was first established in 1500 BCE, and legend suggests it was founded by the son of Noah. That may sound shocking, but in the Holy Land, you often discover sites that are thousands of years old. Yafo, Yafa, Jaffa, are all names for the same place. Yafa or Yafo are the city&rs...

Tokyo’s Oldest Temple: A Guide to Sensoji

Sensoji Temple is Tokyo’s oldest Buddhist temple, located in the geographical and cultural heart of the city’s Asakusa neighborhood, and these days it’s at the top of the list of Tokyo must-sees. Travelers flock to the temple to see the grandiose Kaminarimon gate, with an enormous ...

I Run the Oldest Women-Owned Web Company

I wasn’t thinking about diversity in web startups back then. All of us were still trying to prove the web was going to be A Thing. We web founders spent most of our time explaining to people what the Internet was, how it applied to business, and that it was probably important. Today, there&...

America’s Oldest Divide

In their effort to create a union, the delegates at the Constitutional Convention had to negotiate many contentious, deal-breaking issues. Slavery was chief among them. Southern states made clear that they would not vote to ratify a constitution that abolished slavery or ended the slave trade. North...

The Lesser-Known Sister Site of the Oldest Archeological Site

The 12,000-year-old archeological site Gopekli Tepe has become famous in recent years, but it’s less known that Southern Turkey is also home to its “sister site,” known as Karahan Tepe. Located roughly 46 kilometers east of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Gopekli Tepe, Karahan Te...

What is the oldest language in the world?

Months ago, Gaston Dorren, author of the blog Language Writer and the book Lingo (which I highly recommend!), told us how he got into a Twitter discussion between two Irishmen: a Unionist and a Republican… The Unionist said that the Irish language was an invention of ...