Tag: odds

Six things I am doing right now to improve my odds of success greatly

It’s time to draw a line in the sand, friend. It’s time to stop pretending you don’t want real success, solid income and excellent health. Your excuses are lies, and they keep you down. I’m not the most successful, though I’ve done well and have everything I ne...

Uneven Odds: Where are the Black Web3 Comeback Stories?

The recent success of Pudgy Penguin founder Luca Schnetzler, better known as Luca Netz, has sparked conversation in Web3. But Netz has a history mired in controversy, including shady marketing schemes, NFT projects gone awry, and drop shipping debacles. Despite multiple ventures met with backlash, h...

WHAT and WHY of Log Odds

The three main categories of Data Science are Statistics, Machine Learning and Software Engineering. To become a good Data Scientist, one needs to have a combination of all three in their quiver. In this post, I am going to talk about a Log Odds — an arrow from the Statistics ca...

The Odds of Experiencing the Impossible

I learned about a rare disease called Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, or FOP. FOP is a disease that slowly replaces muscles, tendons, and ligaments with bone and eventually locks the body in place — almost as if being mummified while still alive. The disease has roughly a one in a ...