WHAT and WHY of Log Odds

<p>The three main categories of Data Science are&nbsp;<em>Statistics, Machine Learning and Software Engineering</em>. To become a good Data Scientist, one needs to have a combination of all three in their quiver. In this post, I am going to talk about a&nbsp;<strong><em>Log Odds &mdash;&nbsp;</em></strong><em>an arrow from the Statistics category</em>. When I first began working in Data Science, I was so confused about Log Odds. I would have questions like What is Log Odds, Why do we need them, etc.</p> <p>When trying to understand any concept, I like to use the&nbsp;<em>Divide and Understand strateg</em>y, i.e., break it into smaller pieces, understand their meanings separately, and then combine this knowledge to get hold of the concept as a whole. So here, let&rsquo;s first learn what is meant by&nbsp;<em>Odds</em>&nbsp;and then try to work our way towards understanding&nbsp;<em>Log Odds</em>.</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/https-towardsdatascience-com-what-and-why-of-log-odds-64ba988bf704"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Log odds