Tag: Observation

iOS 17 @Observable and the Observation Framework

WWDC 2023 introduced us to the new iOS-17@Observable property wrapper along with a cleaned-up @State that now supersedes the previous @State @ObservedObject, @StateObject. This is fantastic — it’s always been a source of confusion for those starting on Swift...

Tools Shape Our Products

Whenever we create something, the tools we use have a direct influence on the resulting artefact. Tools shape our products — it’s as simple as that. This observation is neither new nor original. Tools extend our capabilities. They allow us to do things that would be difficult or impossib...

Unit Test the Observation Framework

When I heard about the new Observation framework in WWDC 2023, like all good fans of Combine (we still exist!), I was naturally horrified. Combine is no longer an implementation detail of SwiftUI. Our hard-earned knowledge of testing @Published properties is deprecated. Today, we&rsq...

Observation Evolution: SwiftUI 5’s Shift from Combine

The narrative of SwiftUI has been one of continuous evolution, with each chapter introducing robust features that significantly impact the way developers architect their code. SwiftUI 5 is no exception; its new Observation Framework is a game changer, offering a fresh perspective on data handling an...

iOS 17 @Observable and the Observation Framework

WWDC 2023 introduced us to the new iOS-17@Observable property wrapper along with a cleaned-up @State that now supersedes the previous @State @ObservedObject, @StateObject. This is fantastic — it’s always been a source of confusion for those starting on Swift...

Religions of the Newars: A Brief Observation

According to the official statistics of that census of 2021, the total population of the Newars is 1,341,363. That is, they constitute only 4.6% of the total population. That means they are ranked the 8th largest ethnic community in Nepal. In fact, it would be unfair to call them ethnic community be...

Can you see ‘the black holes’ in everyday life?

The term “black hole” carries a profound significance; it denotes a cosmic entity from which light cannot escape. The gravitational force exerted by the black hole not only prevents light from returning to observers but also engulfs photons in its relentless pull. The iconic “black...