Tools Shape Our Products

<p>Whenever we create something, the tools we use have a direct influence on the resulting artefact. Tools shape our products &mdash; it&rsquo;s as simple as that. This observation is neither new nor original. Tools extend our capabilities. They allow us to do things that would be difficult or impossible with just our hands. Tools enable us to transform materials, to shape our environment, and to express ideas.</p> <p>Tools can amplify ideas &mdash; but they can also limit them. They can empower &mdash; but they can also restrict us. We all know that using the wrong tool for a job can lead to disastrous results. A hammer is an excellent tool for driving nails into wood. However, it is useless for removing screws. And not matter how simple a tool is &mdash; we have to learn it in order to master its use.</p> <p>As designers, we use all kinds of tools. Really simple ones like pen and paper &mdash; and very complex ones like 3D modelling software. It is always a challenge to find the right tool for the job. Simple tools allow you to focus on ideas, variation, and possibilities. More complex tools allow for expression, precision, and profoundness. Generally speaking, in the design process you move from simple to more complex tools. As Jonas L&ouml;wgren noted,&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">interaction design and craftsmanship are truly related</a>. The way we use and care for our tools illustrates this observation.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>