Tag: Object

Three Ways That Help You Retrieve Request Object from Spring-Boot

HttpServletRequest Request for short, is a Servlet API that provides an object for obtaining client-initiated HTTP request information. For example: Get the request parameters Get the request header Get the session information Get the IP address of the request and other information ...

The Zohar — A Basic Commentary, The Direct Object Marker את

The Hebrew word “את” (et) is a unique and intriguing element within the Hebrew language, particularly in its biblical context. It does not have a direct translation in English but serves a grammatical function in Hebrew. Its interpretations and implications span linguistic, midrashic, ...

LiDAR Object Detection Using Point Clouds

Firstly, the acronym LiDAR can be simplified from an acronym into the following phrase: Light Detection and Ranging. But what exactly does that mean? Picture a map of something: your hometown, state, country, or anywhere else. Cartography has found ways to indicate some levels of a third dimensio...

Object Detection For Autonomous vehicles(CitySegNet)

We use DUC (Dense upsampling convulution ) which is a CNN based model for semantic segmentation which uses an image classification network (ResNet) as a backend and achieves improved accuracy in terms of mIOU score using two novel techniques. The first technique is called Dense Upsampling Convolutio...

Object Permanence

Quantum formulas, Greek symbols. I’m writing down a formula I don’t know, measuring water with a plastic ruler. This defines that & that defines this. Making a field, swirling a copper wire around my ring finger to feel. The smoke alarm went off & a magnet spun inside a fl...