Tag: Notebook

Fine-Tune Your Own Llama 2 Model in a Colab Notebook

With the release of LLaMA v1, we saw a Cambrian explosion of fine-tuned models, including Alpaca, Vicuna, and WizardLM, among others. This trend encouraged different businesses to launch their own base models with licenses suitable for commercial use, such as OpenLLaMA, Falc...

Fine-Tune Your Own Llama 2 Model in a Colab Notebook

With the release of LLaMA v1, we saw a Cambrian explosion of fine-tuned models, including Alpaca, Vicuna, and WizardLM, among others. This trend encouraged different businesses to launch their own base models with licenses suitable for commercial use, such as OpenLLaMA, Falc...

Fine-Tune Your Own Llama 2 Model in a Colab Notebook

With the release of LLaMA v1, we saw a Cambrian explosion of fine-tuned models, including Alpaca, Vicuna, and WizardLM, among others. This trend encouraged different businesses to launch their own base models with licenses suitable for commercial use, such as OpenLLaMA, Falc...

Fine-Tune Your Own Llama 2 Model in a Colab Notebook

Llama 2, the latest innovation from Meta AI, a renowned AI research company, marks a new era in large language models (LLMs). Designed to excel across a wide range of natural language tasks, Llama 2 comprises a suite of pre-trained and fine-tuned models, spanning the spectrum from 7 billion to 70 bi...

Fine-Tune Your Own Llama 2 Model in a Colab Notebook

With the release of LLaMA v1, we saw a Cambrian explosion of fine-tuned models, including Alpaca, Vicuna, and WizardLM, among others. This trend encouraged different businesses to launch their own base models with licenses suitable for commercial use, such as OpenLLaMA, Falc...

How to unit test PySpark programs in Databricks notebook?

Unit testing is a software development process in which the smallest testable parts of an application, called units, are individually and independently scrutinized for proper operation. Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels Nutter framework from Microsoft makes it e...