Fine-Tune Your Own Llama 2 Model in a Colab Notebook

<p>With the release of LLaMA v1, we saw a Cambrian explosion of fine-tuned models, including&nbsp;Alpaca,&nbsp;Vicuna, and&nbsp;WizardLM, among others. This trend encouraged different businesses to launch their own base models with licenses suitable for commercial use, such as&nbsp;OpenLLaMA,&nbsp;Falcon,&nbsp;XGen, etc. The release of Llama 2 now combines the best elements from both sides: it offers a&nbsp;<strong>highly efficient base model along with a more permissive license</strong>.</p> <p>During the first half of 2023, the software landscape was significantly shaped by the&nbsp;<strong>widespread use of APIs</strong>&nbsp;(like OpenAI API) to create infrastructures based on Large Language Models (LLMs). Libraries such as&nbsp;LangChain&nbsp;and&nbsp;LlamaIndex&nbsp;played a critical role in this trend. Moving into the latter half of the year, the process of&nbsp;<strong>fine-tuning (or instruction tuning) these models is set to become a standard procedure</strong>&nbsp;in the LLMOps workflow. This trend is driven by various factors: the potential for cost savings, the ability to process confidential data, and even the potential to develop models that exceed the performance of prominent models like ChatGPT and GPT-4 in certain specific tasks.</p> <p>In this article, we will see why instruction tuning works and how to implement it in a Google Colab notebook to create your own Llama 2 model. As usual, the code is available on&nbsp;Colab&nbsp;and&nbsp;GitHub.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>