Tag: Not

Questions to Ask Your Team When They’re Not Happy

If your team is making noises about how glad they are the working week is over, how sad they are it’s Monday, or talking about work-life balance, it’s a good idea to ask why. “When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they wa...

How NOT to Say No as a Leader

There has been numerous articles written about how to say no. Some of them either offer a framework on how to reject or reframe an initiative. Some of them encourage business owners to turn down opportunities that don’t fit their value system. Some of them are for relations...

I Am Sorry- This Is Not Art

The contemporary art world often blurs the line between creativity, provocation, insanity and outright audacity. Some of the so-called artworks have left me bewildered! I am all for challenging societal norms. But sometimes, just sometimes, I think this is too much! MARINA! 1974 Marina Abra...

Letter #8: Free Will Does Not Exist

The last few days have been pretty busy but in a good way. To give you a little more context, my co-founder and I had period where we had very different opinions on how to proceed. That period made us feel miserable and could have let to a breakup if we weren’t best friends. We are very luc...