Tag: Normal

It’s Normal

Acozy psychologist’s office, comfortable armchairs, wallpaper adorned with various butterfly shapes, acrylic reproductions of Van Gogh’s masterpieces… Seated on a soft cushion on the floor, I carefully observe every detail around me, whether it’s the butterflies on the walls...

Self-Driving Cars — The New Normal of Commuting

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like when self-driving cars become common on the streets of your city? Here is the story of Ashish. He was skeptical about getting into self-driving cars, but he was also eager to find a solution to his anger issues and road rage while driving. Ashis...

1/6: Otherwise Perfectly Normal Day

Disruptions are felt the most acutely when they interrupt unremarkable normalcy. Wednesday was unremarkably normal. A half-day virtual school day for my three kids, they were in and out, playing with the girls from the house upstairs. A divorced mom of three, I rent the above-ground basement apartme...

Probability Theory #12 — Log-Normal Distribution

The Log-Normal Distribution is similar to the Logit-Normal Distribution but differs in two key aspects. The Logit-Normal Distribution is used for data bounded between 0 and 1, typically representing probabilities or proportions. In contrast, the Log-Normal Distribution is applied to positive data th...

Life Outside the Normal Distribution

Humans like regularity. Our brains drive us to seek out that which is predictable. If we could have our way, then everything would fall into neat categories. Unfortunately, the universe does not work this way. Nature is chaotic and scattered. Scientists must constantly work with randomness and try t...

Perfectly Normal

I’m 32,000 feet above the Earth’s surface. I’d be dead if I wasn’t sealed inside this pressurized metal tube. I’m up here with 116 other people, and we are safe as long as we maintain enough speed, or avoid bumping into any of the other metal tubes streaking through the...