It’s Normal

<p>Acozy psychologist&rsquo;s office, comfortable armchairs, wallpaper adorned with various butterfly shapes, acrylic reproductions of Van Gogh&rsquo;s masterpieces&hellip; Seated on a soft cushion on the floor, I carefully observe every detail around me, whether it&rsquo;s the butterflies on the walls or the paintings (which, of course, I know inside and out since I&rsquo;m the one who created them). Sometimes, my gaze shifts towards the therapist, who is settled in an armchair. Over time, he has learned not to be surprised by how I organize my space within his office. However, he still involuntarily raises an eyebrow at some of the things I share with him.</p> <p>Flashback 7 years ago, I walked into a therapist&rsquo;s office with a straightforward desire:&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;I just want to be normal&rdquo;.&nbsp;</strong>Thoughts had started to creep into my mind that something in my life was amiss, and perhaps not going as it should.</p> <p>I had a solid job and the freedom to design my life however I pleased. Yet, the traditional milestones like marriage, kids, owning property &mdash; the usual and normal human path, so to speak &mdash; left me utterly uninterested. I caught myself thinking &ldquo;<em>somewhere I don&rsquo;t know where, but definitely not here</em>.&rdquo; It was as though my path was diverging, uncharted, and I grappled to squeeze myself into the mold of &ldquo;<strong>normalcy.</strong>&rdquo; Alas, all the such attempts left me more frustrated than before.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>
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