Tag: Neighborhood

Spreading Happiness in Our Neighborhood!

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived two friends with names, Aryan and Alina. They were known throughout the community for their warm smiles and kind hearts. Every morning, Aryan would tend to his garden, carefully nurturing colorful flowers that would brighten up the entire street. A...

The Old Neighborhood

Stride across familiar concrete No map needed, led by my feet Musical notes from a second story window As the smoke from a bus fills the air Aroma and scent of breads and dough Flavors and odors that forever I’ll know Young one's groups walking past They're up to something, go...

Climbing Gym Review: Boulder Istanbul (Turkey )— Your Neighborhood Gym

Make no mistakes, this is an “old school” gym and one of the first in Istanbul. This place has a slightly gritty feel which adds to its well-worn charm. The holds are a little polished, rubber streaks mark the walls, and the paint has faded from years of use. Admittedly, I have a s...

Paris Neighborhood Guide: the 11th Arrondissement

When most tourists visit Paris, places like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and the Moulin Rouge are often on the itinerary. There’s nothing wrong with that — especially if it’s your first time in the City of Light. But, those of us who live here know that there is so much more to di...

11th Arrondissement neighborhood guide — where to live in Paris

The 11th arrondissement is the perfect district if you want to get a real insight of a proper Parisian lifestyle. This arrondissement in itself could be divided into several districts: from one street to another, you find yourself in a wealthy area or in a very modest zone with a strong ethnic mi...

Just What the Neighborhood Needs: A New Gun-Control Group.

The NRA, on the other hand, had connections to gun owners all over the country by dint of sponsoring shooting matches at various public ranges, as well as having display booths at hundreds of gun shows which were held in just about all 50 states. The NRA’s public presence and...

The Hypocrisy of White Liberal “Wokeness”

I live in a middle-class neighborhood in Portland, Oregon, ostensibly one of the most progressive cities in the country (if you’re willing to overlook our breathtakingly racist history of redlining, exclusion, and gentrification). It seems as though every third house I pass on my daily walks h...

We live in a(n) (Un)Safe Neighborhood.

Our beloved Aurora stepped into the next chapter of her life last month after sending her youngest off to his first year away at college. She and her husband put their home on the market, sold, and packed up to move to their new home in Austin, Texas. Naturally, we wanted to send them off in styl...

Do I Have To Look My Age?

I was walking through the neighborhood one day when, from behind a hedge, a dog started barking at me. A woman I couldn’t see quieted it down by saying, “It’s all right. It’s just an old lady.” “Who are you calling an old lady?” I thought. Then: “We...