The Hypocrisy of White Liberal “Wokeness”

<p>I live in a middle-class neighborhood in Portland, Oregon, ostensibly one of the most progressive cities in the country (if you&rsquo;re willing to overlook our breathtakingly racist history of redlining, exclusion, and gentrification). It seems as though every third house I pass on my daily walks has a yard or a window sign proclaiming that Black Lives Matter or that Refugees are Welcome or informing passersby what it means to live in our welcoming America.&nbsp;<em>Look how much we care.</em></p> <p>I can&rsquo;t help but notice that the overwhelming majority of people who walk out of these houses (approximately 80%, based on my empirical observations over the last 13 months) do so without wearing a mask, despite the fact that the Black members of our community are three times more likely to catch COVID than they are.&nbsp;<em>Black lives matter so much to us</em>, right up until the point where we have to alter our behavior, inconvenience ourselves, or do something that makes us slightly uncomfortable.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>