Tag: Neighbor

It Broke Me When My Neighbor Cut Down His Trees

There is a steep hill directly across the street from my house. High and narrow, it stands about 75 feet tall. The road stretches like a dark ribbon between where my yard stops and the hill begins. The hill is too precarious to build anything on. For the twenty-two years that I’ve been in t...

Maybe You Should Talk to Your Neighbor

Most likely, you have less than one good friend, which is sad. People lost the art of communicating and connecting. Community connections are fraying. Friendships are dying. Communities are breaking down, and few neighbors know the name of their next-door neighbor. If you look at soc...

I Hooked Up with My Neighbor

When Jessie moved into the apartment above mine in a light-blue two-story Victorian near the Panhandle, I didn’t know she was married. I didn’t know it when we kissed or when we woke up together or when we went to get coffee. Not until a month into our neighbors-with-benefits relationshi...

My Neighbor Leads a Simple & Boring Life. He Is a Millionaire at 38 [For God’s Sake!].

I am convinced we are missing the forest for the tree. God! We are such idiots. This is what I mean. Millionaires live among us. Yes, within an arm’s length. I recently discovered that my neighbor, one doorstep away, that guy who takes public transport to work and wears jeans everywhe...

Nine-Year-Old Scares Neighbor!

We are living in a world that has gone completely bonkers. How else can you explain what happened to a nine-year-old Black girl who was doing something good for her neighborhood only to have the police called on her because some old Geezer saw “A little black woman walking and sprayi...

Neighbor, A Handbook: Part 2(n), The Terms-White Privilege

“When we identify where our privilege intersects with somebody else’s oppression, we’ll find our opportunities to make real change.” -Ijeoma Oluo (1) “It’s easy to fictionalize an issue when you’re not aware of the many ways in which you are privileged by...


Forget the cheese and the man in the mirror, our lunar neighbor holds a story far more thrilling than any fairytale. Beneath its cratered, dusty surface lies a chemical symphony, composed of ancient volcanic echoes and whispers of solar wind. This celestial body, devoid of air but brimming with hist...