Tag: Native

React Native vs. Flutter: 2023

Almost two years ago, I wrote a blog post comparing React Native and Flutter at a time when I was still somewhat new to Flutter. I had spoken very highly of it, but also paid some respect to React Native. I had more experience with React Native and loved (and still do) its web OG, React...

Supporting Multiple Modals in React Native: A New Approach

This article was co-authored by Lucas Diez de Medina and Rui Lu, members of the Whitespectre React Native team. During an investigation for an app build, we noticed that the current React Native standard modal implementation is unable to manage multiple modals presented at the same time. Popular ...

Pack: Dockerfile-less deployment to Kubernetes with Cloud Native Buildpacks

In the ecosystem of containerization, Docker has long been the de facto standard for building and deploying applications. However, the rise of open standards such as the Open Container Initiative (OCI) has paved the way for alternative approaches that offer greater flexibility and simplicity. One...

What Your Competition Doesn’t Want You to Know About Containers and Cloud Native!

The Secret Weapon of Successful Organizations: Containerization and Cloud Native By now, I’m sure you’ve heard of containers and cloud native. They’re the buzzwords of the decade. They’re the trends that are transforming the way we build and run software applications. They...

MKE vs. CNCF: The Evolution from Mirantis Kubernetes Engine to Cloud-Native Standards

Introduction: The Continuous Shift in Container Orchestration The cloud-native landscape is forever evolving, with Kubernetes standing tall as the vanguard of container orchestration. As the cloud-native ecosystem has matured, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has introduced several te...

Cloud Native PostgreSQL: Install Scalable PostgreSQL Distribution on Kubernetes

In a digital ecosystem that is increasingly migrating towards microservices and cloud-native architectures, the need for reliable, scalable, and manageable database solutions is paramount. PostgreSQL, with its robustness, extensibility, and adherence to strict SQL standards, emerges as a dependable ...

Declarative UI Programming in Rust for Native Applications

I have spent the last couple of weeks learning Rust. I was very fascinated by the potential of Rust for building high-performance applications, at the same time as it has high-level abstractions. Since I’m coming from the web and React world, I set out to explore the possibilities of Rust in t...

How to Reduce App Build Size in React Native

Developing a React Native app offers unparalleled flexibility and efficiency, but as your project grows, so does the app’s size. A bloated app can lead to slower downloads, increased data usage, and diminished user satisfaction. In this guide, we’ll explore effective strategies to shrink...

React Native performance optimization using Render Locks

At Synaptic, we track thousands of signals across hundreds of metrics that gauge the performance of millions of companies in our database. While designing Inbox, a structured feed of such signals, one of the primary objectives was to make it easy for our users to make sense of a company’s perf...

React Native: Ultimate Guide to Create a Home Screen Widget for iOS and Android

Widgets are awesome tools that make your home screen look more attractive and also provide you with quick and useful information. In this post, we’ll show you how to create widgets for both Android and iOS and how to incorporate them into your React Native app. How does the widget work? ...

Test suite code coverage & tools like Istanbul in React Native

Test code coverage is a measure of how much of your code is being tested by your test suite. It is a way to quantify the effectiveness of your tests and ensure that your code is thoroughly tested. Test code coverage is typically measured as a percentage of the lines of code that are executed duri...

Cloud Native London 2023 Save the Date

The Cloud Native London organizes events vibrant and informative meetups monthly with tech leaders and enthusiasts. More details can be found at the website https://www.oicheryl.com/cloudnativelondon for those interested in speaking or sponsoring future events. In a world of ever-evolving tech...

In Memory Of All Native Californians

Beautiful as it is to stand in front of San Francisco’s beauties, it would be ignorance not to learn about its past. This story is about the Gold Rush, a big part of the history of California. It all started in 1848 when James W. Marshall found gold at Sutter’s Mill in Coloma. The new...

A shortage of native seeds is slowing land restoration across the US, which is crucial for tackling climate change and extinctions

Spring is planting time for home gardeners, landscapers and public works agencies across the U.S. And there’s rising demand for native plants — species that are genetically adapted to the specific regions where they are used. Native plants have evolved with local climates an...

How a Native Plant Garden Connects You To Zen

One warm morning last August, after weeks of toiling in my yard to remove a blanket of English Ivy, I finally remembered to look up. It’s easy to get so focused on the work you’re doing in the dirt that you forget the bigger picture. But I sat back on my heels and looked up at my Silv...

Why I Won’t Call Myself “Indigenous” Instead of “Native American”

Unfortunately, the issues with “BIPOC” don’t end at the false equivalencies of struggles. I have always identified as Native American instead of “Indian” or “indigenous”, with “tribe” instead of “nation”. These are the names I grew up...

How are native born on Chaturthi Tithi?

Native born in Chaturthi Tithi or Chathurthi Tithi or CHATHURTHY THIDHI, your contradictory nature is evident. You have a talent for argument and discussion. They are very close to their mothers. They like to live up to their commitments. They are good at finding solutions&n...

A Unofficial list of kids picture books by Indigenous Authors and tips on what Native kids books to buy

If you like this article my venmo & wish to support my labor it is @mariposa415, as I am solo supporting a family and my twitter and IG is @solomemehood. Monetary supports helps me to write more medium articles of voices likes mines that are NEVER ever heard. The organizing I do is volunteer and...

Culture is Vital for Survival: Learning from Native Americans

Ona late morning of March 9, I sat on an airplane at the Los Angeles International Airport, waiting for takeoff. Thoughts fired off in my brain. This is it. It’s finally happening. Everything I learned in class, readings, research, and friendship will be tested at my final destination. No...

Did You Know? Native Americans

The narrative about how Native Americans having been stripped of their land, culture and forced to assimilate into the White culture. Native Americans children were taken from their home against their will. Not only did Whites take the Native American’s lands but made a concerted effort to sup...

Native plant diseases: to treat or not to treat?

I’ve grown a lot of Phacelia from seed and there is a lot of it growing throughout my yard. Some of it is gorgeous and healthy, growing into small stands nearly 2 feet tall. Some of it has seeded in the more shady parts of my yard, however, and can barely grow a foot tall. Every summ...

The Differences Between A Herbalist and A Native Doctor

Often time we confuse a herbalist and a native doctor to be one. We often use them interchangeably without us knowing. Herbalism is part of science that deals with the use of the herb in modern medicine. However, many individuals often tag this as spiritualism in Africa. In a way, they could be r...

Want to speak English like a native speaker? Read this first.

Language learners, and English language learners in particular, always want to achieve language proficiency as good as native speakers. There are many videos on YouTube and articles on Medium with titles like “How to speak English as a native speaker” or “how to achieve n...

Is Learning a Language a Waste of Time?

A few years ago, Google released an ad touting their next big thing: the ability to translate spoken conversations as they happen. The app could transform any smartphone into a wrecking ball for language barriers — in a world in which even prosperous European countries routinely...