Tag: Narcissists

When Narcissists Cheat On You

1 min after: They’re denying the existence of this occurrence and the existence of the person they cheated on you with. 15 min after: They’re crying on your couch telling you how they were so hurt about something you did, and that’s why ...

Narcissists Destroy Your Reality

One of the worst things narcissists do is fucking up people’s sense of reality. Most people come out of a relationship with a narcissist, not knowing left from right. Which is caused by second guessing themselves for years. And that was caused by the narcissist gaslighting them for ye...

How Did You Rebuild Your Sense of Self After Narcissists Abuse?

I had no idea who, or what I am. But I found this person that liked everything about me I didn’t know was there. She made me feel good with her words, but horrible with her actions. In a fucked up way she gave me a false sense of self with a twist. It was all manipulation. I’m not sur...

Why Narcissists Often Attract to Neurodivergent People As Supply

As a person raised scapegoat in a toxic family system who has BPD as a result, I began trauma bonding to pwNPD in childhood, and my people pleasing, my willingness to internalize abuse, and my honesty about my mental health made me both a trigger and a target for much trauma. I’ve also...

You’re Tired of the Narcissist

You're not in the relationship, you don't want them. It's pretty easy. You can act any which way. You can talk until you're blue in the face. You can tell them they’re a worthless douchebag. You can even tell them you're leaving them. Visit Now

14 Steps to Liberating Yourself from a Narcissist’s Influence

Encountering, contending with, and ultimately breaking free from a narcissist’s grasp is one of the most challenging journeys one can undertake. It demands a blend of courage, resilience, and sometimes a little bit of strategy. For those who have found themselves ensnared in these complex, oft...

Why Do You Go From Being The Narcissist’s Favorite to Their Worst Enemy?

The narcissist has no personality at their core — they don’t know who they are. All the things that are at their core are shames, and they’re spending all their time and energy DENYING and running from those shames. Because those shames cause self loathing. A narc...

The Narcissist’s False Self

Narcissists have a false self. They’re master illusionists. They behave like a little king or queen — whether bragging or sulking. Their whole personality is a charade crafted to deceive you into believing they are confident, superior, self-sufficient, likable, and caring. In studies, gr...

How to break a narcissist’s heart

Breaking a narcissist’s heart is completely different than breaking a normal person’s heart. A narcissist is influenced by other things, and in order to break his heart, you must first understand how the narcissist’s mind works and how his brain works. A narcissist doesn&rsqu...

A Narcissist’s way of pleasure

Ever wondered who are called Narcissists? They are the kind of people who tortures people mentally for their entertainment and assurance . Unlike other mental disorders this is the most alarming one. A person with a Narcissistic disorder consider themselves as superior to others. They will ofte...

Why Fragile Narcissists Are More Dangerous Than The Grandiose.

You can easily identify a grandiose narcissist (GN) after a while, but a fragile/vulnerable narcissist (VN) goes the extra mile to disguise the false-self because their self-worth is so diminished that even the slightest risk of exposure sets them on a tailspin. GN’s are...

A Peek Inside the Narcissist’s Head: Yes Their Pain Is Real — No, It Doesn’t Justify Their Behavior

About a week after ending my relationship with my narcissistic ex, I happened to be hanging out with my sister and her kids. At one point during our afternoon, my sister’s five-year-old son was playing with the family bunny and accidentally hurt its ear. This wasn’t a big deal —...

Is Everyone a Narcissist These Days?

Narcissistic parents ruin children’s lives. Narcissistic bosses make work hell for underlings. Narcissistic leaders manipulate and defraud the populace. Narcissistic lovers abuse their partners. Therapists are flooded with patients complaining that their family members or mates are n...

Do Narcissists Recognise Other Narcissists?

A narcissist is constantly analysing the people they meet for signs of insecurity, people-pleasing tendencies, malleability, cooperation, and most of all; signs that they wear their shame on their sleeve. A person who personifies shame, whether in a wholehearted, healthy way or in a toxic way, is...