How Did You Rebuild Your Sense of Self After Narcissists Abuse?

<p>I had no idea who, or what I am. But I found this person that liked everything about me I didn&rsquo;t know was there. She made me feel good with her words, but horrible with her actions.</p> <p>In a fucked up way she gave me a false sense of self with a twist. It was all manipulation. I&rsquo;m not sure she liked anything about me. She liked how I worshiped her and put up with all the lies, but she didn&rsquo;t like anything about me. She loved how I enabled her abuse why she enabled my self destruction.</p> <h1>The kicker?</h1> <p>When you lack a sense of self is when you meet someone who abuses you to the point of more confusion. Many people who get involved with a narcissists has a lot of unhealed trauma they may, or may not be aware of.</p> <p>Either way it will be brought front and center and slammed in your lap in the most vicious of ways.</p> <p>I still believe most people that fall for the antics of a narcissists have some deep shit they need to work on within themselves they had no idea existed. No one wants to admit they are flawed to have put up with the bullshit. But the abuse goes way deeper than the manipulation itself.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>