Tag: Nano

Packrafting in Tokyo with the Anfibio Nano RTC

I recently bought the Anfibio Nano RTC, a very affordable watercraft called a packraft, and took it out on Nakagawa River (旧中川) for a test spin. This raft is tiny, and it and all of its accessories (ex-paddle) fit completely in one small backpack-like waterproof bag. Anfi...

Classifying nano particles with deep learning

Ordinary Raman spectroscopy could be used to detect bacteria, in principle. In practise the concentrations of the associated molecules are so low, the signals overshadowed by other effects. This is where SERS and the nano particles come in. When struck with light of certain frequencies, nanoparti...

Classifying nano particles with deep learning

This is where SERS and the nano particles come in. When struck with light of certain frequencies, nanoparticles can induce a plasmon resonance. This resonance can give rise to a strong magnification (1000–100 000x) of parts of the Raman spectrum. Several academic papers describe how they us...

Nano-Bots In Bloodstream

With the ever-so changing terrain of biomedical engineering, a prominent idea has been brought up over and over. Nanobots. Nanobots are in layman terms, a task-achieving device that has the dimensions of under roughly a nano-meter. For scale, a human DNA strand is 2.5 nano-meters long...