Nano-Bots In Bloodstream

<p>With the ever-so changing terrain of biomedical engineering, a prominent idea has been brought up over and over.&nbsp;<em>Nanobots</em>. Nanobots are in layman terms, a task-achieving device that has the dimensions of under roughly a nano-meter. For scale, a human DNA strand is&nbsp;<em>2.5 nano-meters</em>&nbsp;long. These robots are theoretically supposed to go under the blood to fix/monitor various problems in the human body system. Monitoring blood sugar to even kill cancers are only a few of the possibilities of a nano-bot. The nano-bots are able to avoid white blood cells, (the blood cells that fight off viruses) because they&rsquo;re coated in human molecules.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Nano bots