Tag: Motel

The Rise of the L.A. Motel Operator Slumlord

L.A.’s newest class of slumlords have little oversight and are raking in taxpayer money hand over fist, with even more on track to be given to them thanks to programs like Project Roomkey and the newly created Inside Safe. So who exactly are these slumlords? They are the owner-operators of the...

A Night at the Weta Motel

I was hiking on Matiu / Somes Island when I came across a wooden box screwed to a tree. The box had a hinge and a sign. It read: Weta Motel. I had never seen a Weta before. In fact, up until that moment, I didn’t know Weta existed. The box also invited people to look inside. So I did. And I qu...

The Space Motel Might Stay Open: NASA Needs an Extra Room

So, NASA's looking into keeping that old International Space Station (ISS) – think of it as a giant, super expensive motel in space – floating around longer than planned. It was supposed to shut down in 2030, but now NASA's all, "Hmm, maybe not." Photo by NASA on...