The Rise of the L.A. Motel Operator Slumlord

<p>L.A.&rsquo;s newest class of slumlords have little oversight and are raking in taxpayer money hand over fist, with even more on track to be given to them thanks to programs like Project Roomkey and the newly created Inside Safe. So who exactly are these slumlords? They are the owner-operators of the motels in the parts of town where hotel chains refuse to operate.</p> <p>It used to be back in the day that in L.A.&rsquo;s poorer neighborhoods, motels were mostly for doing drugs in private, getting it on (usually with someone you were cheating with or didn&rsquo;t want to or couldn&rsquo;t be seen with), or both.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Motel Operator