Tag: moment

The only moment that exists is now.

It may seem futile to pull at the frills of our understanding of time and expect it to unravel. Decoding a clockface and feeling the passing of time is understood at a young age and rarely revisited. Why would it? It’s one of the only things we can be sure of — existence is predicated on...

First moment in Boedo

In this neighborhood, there are some historical cafes and bars where musicians and composers such as Homero Manzi and Osvaldo Pugliese made Argentine tangos famous. During a year stay in Buenos Aires, we stayed in Casa de Ana in Boedo for the first 4 days, ...

A Van Morrison Moment

Shaker Run. I was a production assistant and traveled with the second unit crew to shoot b-roll footage not requiring the primary actors. One day we were filming drive-by car shots on the snowy roads of Mount Cargill. After a few hours in the frigid weather, it started to snow. We hustled to get the...

Measure The Moment

Iwas twenty-five years old when I decided to board the greyhound bus with a backpack and a suitcase for New York City. I had no job, no apartment, no friends nor family waiting for me when I arrived at the bus station. I was alone — and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t overthinking ...

My Jo Koy Moment

I was terrible. I was an embarrassment to myself, to the organization, to the world, in 55 countries and in front of a room of the biggest names in Hollywood at a prestigious venue. It’s a memory I will never forget and an event that changed my life. It was my Jo Koy Golden Globe Moment. ...

My first clear moment of white privilege

When I was 14, and coincidentally on the night of my Father’s 40th birthday, I was arrested for stealing a car. There was a car chase and everything. You can imagine 14 year-old Bobby in a 1974 convertible VW Beetle with the top down at 2 am sitting at a stoplight as a cop pulls up next to me....

What if the Singularity was Something Else?

In this article, I want to lay out a different perspective on the Singularity we are living in and explain why this new approach opens up new possibilities for humanity. Most people associate the word “singularity” with the idea of highly intelligent AI taking over the planet. However, w...

Artificial Intelligence, Humanity and This Frozen Moment

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the early days of the pandemic. Not of the masks, or the lockdowns, not of the drive thru testing or the wiping down of groceries, but of those earliest days. Those days in which you’d turn on the news and hear some vague talking head chatter about t...

The Quiet Luxury Moment

Enter “Succession” and, more specifically, Shiv Roy, with her arsenal of power plays and wardrobe choices that scream sophistication without a single shout. It was through her — this embodiment of stealth wealth and under-the-radar elegance — that I found myself inadvertently...