The only moment that exists is now.

<p>It may seem futile to pull at the frills of our understanding of time and expect it to unravel. Decoding a clockface and feeling the passing of time is understood at a young age and rarely revisited. Why would it? It&rsquo;s one of the only things we can be sure of &mdash; existence is predicated on the past and like a nearing left turn, the future is arriving shortly. However, let&rsquo;s put this idea to the test.&nbsp;<strong>I challenge you</strong>&nbsp;to examine your experience to see if there is (or isn&rsquo;t) validity to this&nbsp;<strong>understanding of time.</strong></p> <p><strong>Back to the Future</strong></p> <p>Let&rsquo;s begin by investigating the past. When searching for what we call the past, what do we find? The past can only take form as a constellation of thoughts and feelings while still occurring &mdash; in a word &mdash;&nbsp;<em>now</em>. The&nbsp;<em>now</em>&nbsp;as we come to see it,&nbsp;<strong>is impossible to escape.</strong>&nbsp;No struggle or rationalizing can place us in the&nbsp;<em>now</em>, for everything occurring is the&nbsp;<em>now</em>. It is simply not possible to experience anything but the precise moment of&nbsp;<em>now</em>. Any recollection or image of past events is occurring in the&nbsp;<em>now&nbsp;</em>in which it is being recalled. There simply is nothing else. Don&rsquo;t take my word for it,&nbsp;<strong>search deeply into your own experience.</strong>&nbsp;Bring to mind a recent memory. It could be the moments before beginning this essay or the moments before this sentence. No matter how recent, the experience you experienced when experiencing this memory is&nbsp;<strong>nowhere to be found.&nbsp;</strong>This applies to our concept of the future as well. Attempting to predict the future will still be taking place in the precise&nbsp;<em>now&nbsp;</em>of our speculation. In other words, the events we are postulating exist in a hypothetical future. But the postulating itself is still happening&nbsp;<em>now.</em>&nbsp;The effort spent trying to&nbsp;<strong>simulate</strong>&nbsp;a potential future won&rsquo;t bring us any closer to it.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: moment Only